We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of Anchore Engine 0.5.1, the latest point update to our open source software from Anchore that helps users enforce container security, compliance, and best practice requirements. This update not only adds bug fixes and performance improvements but also adds a new policy gate check and support for Google’s distroless images.

Google’s distroless images are helping businesses tighten up security while speeding up the build, scan, and patch process for DevOps teams. Because these images only contain the application's resources and runtime dependencies, the attack surface is significantly reduced and the process of scanning for and patching vulnerabilities becomes much simpler. Using distroless container images can help DevOps teams save time and become more agile in their development pipeline while keeping security at the forefront. For more documentation on distroless container images, take a look here.

Also in this release, our engineers have taken policy check to the next level with our secret search gate. Previously, our secret search gate made sure vulnerable information was not left in plain sight for hackers to exploit. Now you can use it to make sure necessities aren’t missing from your config file within your image.

If you haven’t already deployed Anchore Engine, you can stand it up alongside your favorite cloud native tools, begin hardening your container images and adhering to federally accepted compliance and best practices.

We are incredibly thankful for our open source community and can’t wait to share more project updates! For more information about the release, check out our release notes.