Rising threats to the software supply chain and increasing use of containers are causing organizations to focus on container security. Containers bring many unique security challenges due to their layered dependencies and the fact that many container images come from public repositories.

Our new white paper, Reduce Risk for Software Supply Chain Attacks: Best Practices for Container Security, digs into 5 tips for securing containers. It also describes how Anchore Enterprise simplifies implementation of these critical best practices, so you don’t have to.

5 best practices to instantly strengthening container security

  1. Use SBOMs to build a transparent foundation

SBOMs—Software Bill of Materials—create a trackable inventory of the components you use, which is a precursor for identifying security risks, meeting regulatory requirements and assessing license compliance. Get recommendations on the best way to generate, store, search and share SBOMs for better transparency.  

  1. Identify vulnerabilities early with continuous scanning

Security issues can arise at any point in the software supply chain. Learn why shifting left is necessary, but not sufficient for container security. Understand the role SBOMs are critical when responding to zero-day vulnerabilities.

  1. Automate policy enforcement and security gates

Find out how to use automated policies to identify which vulnerabilities should be fixed and enforce regulatory requirements. Learn how a customizable policy engine and out-of-the-box policy packs streamline your compliance efforts. 

  1. Reduce toil in the developer experience

Integrating with the tools developers use, minimizing false positives, and providing a path to faster remediation will keep developers happy and your software development moving efficiently.  See how Anchore Enterprise makes it easy to provide a good developer experience

  1. Protect your software supply chain with security controls

To protect your software supply chain, you must ensure that the code you bring in from third-party sources is trusted and vetted. Implement vetting processes for open-source code that you use.