Scanning for Malicious Content

Ivan Akulov just published a rather worrying blog entitled Malicious Packages in NPM in which he documents a recent discovery of several malicious NPM packages that were copies of existing packages with similar names which, while they contained the same functionality, also included malicious code that would collect and exfiltrate environment variables from your system in the hope of finding sensitive information such as authentication tokens.

In the past, a developer would either write a software library or purchase a library from a software vendor. Today you can pick a free, open source library off-the-shelf from one of many different registries, each catering to a different community: NuGet for .NET developers, CPAN for Perl developers, for Ruby developers, for Node.js developers, PyPi for Python developers,, etc.

This move to open source and community-focused development has helped drive the rapid pace of innovation that we’ve seen over the last 10 to 15 years. But as this story shows us, free software doesn’t come without a cost! Just because a piece of software is free that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t perform the same level of due diligence in assessing the software as you would if you had to pay for it: where is the software coming from? how well is it maintained? how is it licensed? This process should not discourage the adoption of open source however it should ensure that you know what open source components you have, where they came from and how to support them internally.

The best approach is to start this process as early in the development cycle as possible, putting in place a process to screen software and libraries before they enter your ‘supply chain’. There are many tools that can help in this regard and the newer generation of tools from other vendors are designed with this new open source software paradigm in mind.
But no matter what tools and policies you have in place there will always be something that slips through the cracks, so it’s good to have a final check that you can put in place to ensure that software you deploy meets your compliance and operational best practices. And this is where Anchore comes in.

One of the policy rules that Anchore supports is the ability to blacklist certain packages, not just operating system packages but also software libraries such as Ruby Gems or Node.js NPMs.

So inspired by Ivan’s blog let’s add a policy check that blacklists these NPMs which will allow us to see if any of our images include these modules.

Once logged on launch the policy editor from the icon on the Navigation Bar.

For simplicity, we’ll just edit the default policy however you can create custom policies that can be mapped to images based on their registry, repository, and tag.

Pressing the   icon expands the list of policy items

We will create a new rule by pressing the button.

In the Gate field select NPM Checks and in the Trigger field select NPM Package Match (Name).

Then in the Parameters field select NPM Name-only match.

We now need to enter the modules that we are looking for.

Paste the following into the field and press the save button:

babelcli, crossenv, cross-env.js, d3.js, fabric-js, ffmepg, gruntcli, http-proxy.js, jquery.js, mariadb, mongose, mssql.js, mssql-node, mysqljs, nodecaffe, nodefabric, node-fabric, nodeffmpeg, nodemailer-js, nodemailer.js, nodemssql, node-opencv, node-opensl, node-openssl, noderequest, nodesass, nodesqlite, node-sqlite, node-tkinter, opencv.js, openssl.js, proxy.js, shadowsock, smb, sqlite.js, sqliter, sqlserver, tkinter

Under action, select  WARN to indicate that the presence of these packages will raise a warning rather than fail or stop the image.

Finally, click the  button to save the policy.

Next, from the Anchore Navigator home page search for an image that you wish to check. Once you have found the image navigate to the Image Policy tab to see if any warnings have been raised based on our new policy.

One of the great features of the Navigator is that it keeps historic data about tags and images so that you can navigate back through a tag’s history to look at previous versions. So perhaps the image you have deployed today does not include one of the trojan modules however an older version of this tag may have included a vulnerable component. This ability to look back may prove valuable in reviewing previous deployments either for audit purposes or when performing a post-mortem as part of incidence response.

The Case of the Missing Vulnerability

We extended one of the most popular features of the Anchore Navigator, tag notifications, in our latest Previously users could subscribe to a tag and receive a notification when a new image was pushed with that tag. For example, if you used the Debian image as the base image for your containers then you could subscribe to receive a notification when a new release was pushed.

In addition to tag update notifications, the Navigator can now send notifications when we detect changes to the policy status of your image, for example, if your image is now failing its policy check, or when CVEs change on your image.

Seeing a CVE change notification is common but usually, you expect to see “CVE Added” however this email is different.

Here you can see that I subscribed to library/python:latest and the current image ID that’s tagged with that tag is 968120d8…. and in the body of the notification you can see that one medium severity CVE has been removed.

When the Anchore Navigator first analyzed image ID 968120d8… a list of packages was retrieved. The Anchore service regularly pulls down vulnerability data from sources such as operating system distributors and the National Vulnerability Database (NVD). We match this data against the package manifest to identify vulnerabilities in the image.

The most common change we see is when a new vulnerability is reported against a specific package. The actual workflows we see vary from distribution to distribution. It is common to see a vulnerability of unknown severity added to an image when the vulnerability is first been disclosed then once the vulnerability has been triaged it moves from unknown severity to a specific severity such as Critical, High, Medium, Low or Negligible.

In some cases as more in-depth analysis occurs a distributor or the upstream vulnerability database provider may change their assessment of not just the severity but also the version number of the vulnerable package. For example, if may initially be thought that version 2.x of package foo is vulnerable to a CVE but on further analysis, it may be found that only version 2.1 is vulnerable.
In this example, the vulnerability was analyzed and it was found that the current version of ImageMagick (version 8: in Debian Jessie is not vulnerable to this issue and so the associated feed was updated by the Debian security team. Anchore picked up the change to this feed which triggered the notifications.

Sadly seeing vulnerabilities being removed from an image is not very common, you are more likely to see new vulnerabilities being added to images or vulnerability severities being increased which is why it’s important not just to check the image once but keep a constant eye on the status of the image which is where the Anchore Navigator’s notifications feature can help.