

Prior to setting up your Codeship build pipeline, an Anchore Engine service needs to be accessible from the pipeline. Typically this is on port 8228. In this example, I have an Anchore Engine service on AWS EC2 with standard configuration. I also have a Dockerfile in a Github repository that I will build an image from during the first step of the pipeline. In the final step, I will be pushing the built image to an image repository in my personal Dockerhub.

The Github repository can be referenced here.

Repository contents:

  • codeship-services.yml (Contains all services needed to run your CI/CD builds)
  • codeship-steps.yml (Contains all the steps for your CI/CD process)
  • Dockerfile
  • dockercfg.encrypted (Docker registry credentials)
  • env.encrypted (Environment variables)

For more info on using encrypted files with Jet CLI visit here.

Most typically, we advise on having a staging registry and production registry. Meaning, being able to push and pull images freely from the staging/dev registry while maintaining more control over images being pushed to the production registry. In this example, I am using the same registry for both.

I’ve added the following environment variables via the envfile:

If ANCHORE_FAIL_ON_POLICY is set to true, the pipeline will fail, and the image will not be pushed to the registry.


The Docker registry has been configured with the dockercfg file:

	"auths": {
		"": {
			"auth": "anZhbGFuY2U6MjI2MTM3QGtLaw=="
	"HttpHeaders": {
		"User-Agent": "Docker-Client/17.10.0-ce (linux)"

Build Image

In the first step of the pipeline, we build a Docker image from a Dockerfile as defined in our codeship-steps.yml:

- name: imagebuildstep
  service: imagebuild
  type: push
  image_name: jvalance/sampledockerfiles
  encrypted_dockercfg_path: dockercfg.encrypted

and our codeship-services.yml:

    dockerfile: Dockerfile
  cached: true

Conduct Anchore Scan

In the second step of the pipeline, we scan the built image with Anchore as defined in our codeship-steps.yml:

- name: anchorestep
  service: anchorescan
  command: sh -c 'echo "Adding image to Anchore engine" && 
    anchore-cli image add $ANCHORE_IMAGE_SCAN &&
    echo "Waiting for image analysis to complete" &&
    counter=0 && while (! (anchore-cli image get $ANCHORE_IMAGE_SCAN | grep 'Status: analyzed') ) ; do echo -n "." ; sleep 10 ; if  ; then echo " Timeout waiting for analysis" ; exit 1 ; fi ; counter=$(($counter+1)) ; done &&
    echo "Analysis complete" &&
    if  ; then anchore-cli evaluate check $ANCHORE_IMAGE_SCAN  ; fi'
  encrypted_env_file: env.encrypted

and our codeship-services.yml:

  image: anchore/engine-cli:latest
  encrypted_env_file: env.encrypted

Depending on the output of the policy evaluation, the pipeline may or may not fail. In this case, I have set ANCHORE_FAIL_ON_POLICY to true and exposed port 22. This is in violation of a policy rule, so the build will fail during this step.

Push Image

In the final step of the pipeline, we push the Docker image to a registry as defined in the codeship-steps.yml:

- name: imagepushstep
  service: imagebuild
  type: push
  image_name: jvalance/sampledockerfiles
  encrypted_dockercfg_path: dockercfg.encrypted

and our codeship-services.yml:

  image: anchore/engine-cli:latest
  encrypted_env_file: env.encrypted

As a reminder, we advise having separate Docker registries for images that are being scanned with Anchore, and images that have passed an Anchore scan. For example, a registry for dev/test images, and a registry to certified, trusted, production-ready images.